Online Course

An Inner Voyage to Prayer

Develop prayer sensitivity and skills with this online course by Rabbis Dov Singer & Yossi Fruman

Prayer is a muscle which can be exercised and developed!

Join this intimate voyage and experience prayer anew!

We all seem to take it for granted that our kindergarten teacher knew what she was doing. Ever since, we have been continuing to relate to prayer in that very same fashion. We at Makor Chaim know that, as adults, we can find a deeper, more intimate opportunity to connect to the prayer experience.

Join us on this adventure and return inwards to the most primal instincts of prayer!

The course is composed of twelve 15 minute lessons or recipes, for both study and exercise.

This is just the thing you need if you seek to reinvigorate your personal world of prayer and devotion.
Content will be provided via a link emailed to you every 3 days to allow you to experience and digest each lesson.
Each unit will remain available to you so that you can go back and review them as needed.

May we all merit to expand, deepen and enhance our praying experience and be blessed with future days of safety and . good health for us all

Special offer!

Special offer for limited time



A Bit of Background on Our Course Facilitators

Rabbi Dov Singer

Makor Chaim Rosh Yeshiva and founder of the Beit Midrash L'Hitchadshut, lives in Tekoa, sees the study of prayer as his main calling

Rabbi Yossi Fruman

Teacher at Yeshivat Machanayim and other yeshivot, lives in Tekoa, one of the heads of the Beit Midrash L'Hitchadshut

Special offer!

Special offer for limited time



In our course you will enjoy the following benefits:


New lesson every 3 days for 6 weeks

12 Online Lessons

12 lessons or recipes, for both study and exercise


Optional exercises & research topics


Permanent access to the course

As a gift, here is the first lesson, free of charge

Who are We?

The Beit Midrash L'Hitchadshut, established 16 years ago by Makor Chaim and Rabbi Dov Singer, is an educational center for spiritual renewal which focusses on the devotion of the heart. The main purpose of the Beit Midrash is to develop and improve the skills of attention, discourse and encounter – with other people and with the Divine. We develop various toolboxes and platforms to achieve this goal, resulting in a number of projects and programs, including: Chaburot – Setting up devotional self-help groups Beit Tefilla – A home for prayer development programs (in memory of David Golovenzitz) Educator's Development Workshops Prayer Education programs in elementary schools "Lifnie V'Lifnim" – Bachelors and Masters Degree Teacher Training Programs "Tikon Tefillati" – the publishing of Rabbi Dov's book "Prepare My Prayer" and more…

Our Prayer for This Course?

May we journey together inward and dare to try and revive

the vocal c(h)ords which may have atrophied over the years…

Special offer!

Special offer for limited time



Course Format and Contents

The course has 2 tracks of 6 units each taught separately by Rabbis Dov Singer and Yossi Fruman.
Track 1
Movements in Prayer | Rabbi Dov Singer
Track 2

Mindsets of Prayer | Rabbi Yossi Fruman